Overall Reflection

Of the practices MCQs we did so far I found this one the most challenging and most time consuming. If I spent as much time as I wanted on it, I think I'd definitely be able to complete with almost a perfect score overall. Although 60/66 is not bad in any sense of the matter, I think a lot of them were less conceptual misunderstandings and more so mental exhaustion. I think if I practice doing continuos quizzes more that exhaustion will be better and I'll be able to analyze the code a lot better. I also spent well over 1.5 hours (although I did take breaks in between) but overall I think my total time on the reflection was around 2.5 hours of continuous answering them.



Here are my corrections for both quizzes.

66 Question Quiz Corrections

question 1 In implementation I, num is used as a local variable rather than an actual reference variable and thus does not get assigned which I thought it did. This means I should work on getting better at recognizing the scope of my variables and how they are affected as a whole.

question 16 This involved a lot of 2D array columns which I mistook which ones were iterating through columns and which one through rows. I think honibg in on improving my identification of code in loops would help a lot.

question 19 This was just a lot of silly miscalculation (idk if thats the right word) of de morgans law that caused me to accidently apply the not symbol a flip some signs accidently.

question 26 Remember indices since it messes up a lot of code sometimes and is important to consider in logic for inclusive or not.

question 42 Overlooked the out of bounds error.

question 53 Forgot about initialization.